Monday, July 27, 2009

The Grand Canyon

We headed to see the Grand Canyon and I was really excited because I have always wanted to go there. We got to the first observation place and got out to look and it was simply breathtaking. It is so big and vast and beautiful. I took several pictures because it was just so beautiful. My aunt and husband wanted to hike down into the canyon. I was not so thrilled with this, but I did not want to be a stick in the mud so I opted to go for it and hike a little ways down. It was not to bad going down, but I imagined that it would be much harder coming back up the canyon. After about 1/2 mile my feet slipped out from under me and I fell down on my rear end. It scared me a little, but I got up and brushed my self off and kept going. I was determined to hang in there with everyone else. We went about 1 1/4 miles down and so we had to come 1 1/4 miles back up the canyon. So I guess 2 1/2 miles is not to bad for my first time. My husband wants us to come back next year and hike to the bottom and spend the night and hike back out the next day. I am not sure that I am up for that or not. I will have a lot of work over the next year to get in shape. I forgot to mention that it was about 98 degrees and in the hot sun on the way back up and it was much harder going up than coming down. I was totally drained when we made it back to the RV. I think that I was the first one to sleep that night. It was a great experience and well worth the effort. I really enjoyed everything about the trip down the canyon.

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