Saturday, June 27, 2009

Wow what a Day!!!!!

I am so excited about my new bedroom furniture that I bought today. I have been wanting a new bedroom suit forever and my darling husband told me to go pick out what I wanted today, so I did just that!! I could not believe that he just let me go by myself and pick out what I wanted. I got some really pretty furniture at the Ashley store in Meridian. They had a great sale today. It should be here in about two weeks. I took my oldest daughter Sarah with me and we had a great mother/daughter day. I also bought myself a desk at wal-mart for my sewing room. I am on a mission to completely redo my house before the summer is over and I have to start teaching school. All in all it was a wonderful day!!!!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Look out Bloggers- Here I Come

I've decided to plunge head first into this crazy thing called blogging. I'm not sure who will read this- or if anyone will read it at all. Never the less, I'm putting my thoughts out into the abyss. If my thoughts find you- I hope they find you well. Whatever ideas pop into my head- I'll post them. Thus, you never know what you might find here!


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